

Children Photography

Be a Client for Life

— 04/16/2020 by Monika Wertman —

We want you as a Client for Life!!


While we have always had this option of purchasing a client for life membership, we only offered it when you booked your wedding with us.  Well, it is time to change that!!  So here it is, a chance to sign up for this exciting opportunity with an easy monthly installment plan.  As a client for life subscriber you receive first dibs at specials and subscriber only print and product exclusives.

Please see the photo below for the family CFL program and its two options of signing up for it.

client for life program

The other option within the program is designed for business branding clients.  Since our branding collections are all inclusive, the client for life program builds onto the collections to keep your brand updated on an annual basis while making it easy on your pocketbook.

client for life business

From now until April 30, 2020 you will receive a $35 print credit when you sign up for the family CFL program and 5 additional photos with the subscription to the branding CFL program as a Thank You for joining!

Please fill out the form below indicating which Client for Life subscription you would like to start, and yes, you can do both, and we will contact you to schedule a Skype consultation to answer any questions and to finish your registration.  We will also get you scheduled for your first session later this summer when we get to capture all of your precious moments again.  WE look forward to working with you on a regular basis and to ensure that all of your photography needs are met each and every year!

Gift Cards for Sessions or Artwork

— 03/27/2020 by Monika Wertman —

gift card

Gift cards for sessions or artwork are a great way to support our business during these times of social distancing!  We are restricted in how we can work with you, but you can still secure that you will be able to use us when this is all over!  Whether you are a new client or a returning client, we can send you a gift card virtually to keep you safe.  You may use the gift card now to purchase wall art from a recent session to send to a loved one, such as a parent or grandparent.  Our labs are on top of safety during this virus and your order will arrive directly from there, ready to hang on any wall you want to decorate.  We will gladly create a mock-up of the space you want to fill to show you what it will look like in your space.  Just send us a picture of your blank wall and we will create the look you want.  We will to also be happy to consult with you via Skype to figure out sizes and finishing styles.

Here is a sample of what two canvases or metals can look like hanging side by side: room mock up, pictures on wall

For those of you who want to work with us at a later date but want to take advantage of your tax return or other pay-outs, purchase your certificate now and use it later.  We can set up a Skype consultation to discuss your plans and get you on our calendar in July, August or September after this virus runs its course.

Whatever your pleasure and comfort level, we are here for you to bring a bit of sunshine and joy into this odd time we are muddling through together.


Thesis Work with Dancers

— 04/16/2018 by Monika Wertman —

Thesis Work with Dancers


As I am continuing to pursue my Masters degree in photography, I have entered the thesis zone.


I have been working with 4 young and talented young dancers for the last few months and as I gather more and more images that will eventually become a book about the life of dancers, exploring what it takes to be committed to this wonderful and challenging art form, I get to play with one of my favorite things of all time.  Dance.

prepping    resting

These were captured while I worked with the help of my wonderful parents to get the lights situated correctly behind the scrim.

In this latest shoot with 3 of my 4 dancers at the Maryland Theatre, we played with silhouettes (my 4th dancer had just had a change in schedule and could not join us that day, but luckily she is back to having that week day open again).


We all had fun. i always give these athletes and artists a chance to be creative with me and try new things, and give me their ideas.

on pointe      on pointe

It makes for a more interactive and fun shoot and the images always show that.

Then there are a few shots of jumps, and poses.


We also played with shadows which required me to climb into the rafters along the side of the stage.

And lastly and shot from above for the shadow, but creating a dilemma for me as I am not sure if I like the black and white version better or the soft color.


Anatomy of Great Photography

— 08/16/2017 by Monika Wertman —


wertman photography Adrienne and Joshua wedding-14

Life happens and it happens fast. We try to capture as much of it as we possibly can; from Mom snapping pics with her cell phone, to National Geographic Photographers capturing worldwide documentary quality images, fit for magazine print and awards among the best in the world.

wertmanphotography Morgan and Derek engagement_-36

Perusing photos throughout our lives, we will at some point, begin to see differences in style, composition, quality and so on. Our appreciation for great photography has been well noted, as so many marvel at truly wonderful pics. We hang them, post them, share them, comment on them and even sell them!


Some believe that the differences in quality of photography start with the camera. I’ve heard people say, “Wow! Those are great pictures… You must have a really good camera!” There are those who say that it’s in the education and experience of the photographer. (We stand by this one!)

wertman photography bailey senior-10

Still others maintain that wonderful photography happens by chance or by luck. These ideas beg the question, “What does it really take to produce Great Photography?” We are going to pursue the answers in this series. Please join us and feel free to comment. Participation is always welcomed!

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A One Year Old Birthday Shoot and Taco Bash

— 06/15/2017 by Monika Wertman —

A One Year Old Birthday Shoot and Taco Bash

Miss Lucy is one of our favorite little ones and we have loved and have been honored to be a part of her family’s development from the beginning.  We captured her parent’s engagement, their wedding, her growing presence in her mommy’s belly, Lucy’s birth and now her 1st birthday.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-17

Lucy is a little cutie pie with lots of personality just like her mommy and daddy. She was also very patient with the many clothing changes her mommy put her through and loved playing with the toys I put out during her session.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-6

We shot for about 1.5 hours, an unusual length for this age, as one year olds tucker out quickly, but Lucy was a trooper and with several snack breaks and a change in back drops and scenery every so often, she continued to be a delight.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-10    wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-11

The session culminated in a Taco Bash, an idea her mommy had as Lucy loves tacos.  So instead of doing a cake smash, we gave Lucy tacos to destroy.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-3

She began by eating the sour cream and eventually got the hang of smashing the rest of the food.  This was a messy endeavor, but paid off with cute photos.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-18

We are sharing a few here to clue you in on the fun we had.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-22  wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-23

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-27

We also decided that we should continue the tradition of putting Lucy into her mommy’s wedding gown, something we started when she was first born.  Lucy was not too sure what to make of that as you can tell by the two photos we are sharing here.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-20     wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-21

Call us today to schedule a consultation so we can plan your special one year old photoshoot.  One year olds are lots of fun and totally unpredictable.  We love working with them.

wertmanphotography Lucy first birthday-13


Busy with Babies

— 04/19/2017 by Monika Wertman —

We have been busy with Babies

Over the last few months we have had several maternity sessions and newborn babies.  One such session even had us going to the hospital within the first moments after this little one was born.  Below are a few of our favorite images from these sessions.

crowned heads

Here at Wertman Photography we customize each maternity and newborn session to what you would like to get.

feet and handsWe even come to you if you want the life style approach.  The families featured within this post chose to do it all at the studio.

silhouette baby bump   baby silhouette

We played with a few new ideas, such as silhouettes and simulating a bedroom setup, featuring the baby with the parents softly in the background.

feature baby

We also incorporated rings and tiaras.  They were all fun sessions and we are looking forward to a few more already on the schedule for later this month.

maternity bump

Whatever you preference and whatever it is you would like us to capture, we will be sure to accommodate your wishes.  We discuss it all in your pre-session consultation, taking notes and preparing the studio accordingly.  We also make sure that its is nice and warm in here to baby does not get cold.

hands on baby

We use our constant lights for added warmth for baby and have also found that the constant lights do not make baby flinch as a flash system may.

rings and feet

Please vote on your favorite image so we can enter our families in a drawing for a portrait.  You will also be entered into a drawing for a family session up to 5 people for voting.

daddy and son

Thank you for a great year

— 12/23/2016 by Monika Wertman —

We had a great year working with so many of you!  It was fun and exciting and sometimes a bit more challenging than expected, and we got awesome images.

maternity rachel

Here is a quick look back over the last 12 months, highlighting some of our favorite shots from this year.

newborn baby boy



This year we got to play with newborns, expecting moms, brides, fun seniors and awesome families.  Several of you were repeat clients and we love you for it!  Some of you were new to Wertman Photography.  We want to thank you for putting your trust in us!

bride , groom and best man couple


family interaction

composite senior girl sports  composite senior boy

business shots

dancer and flour dance from the wings

senior girl actress

senior girl artist

senior tuba player engaged couple

fun with couples


sisters fun at the museum

sleeping child

Here is wishing you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and fun time with your family and friends.

brother and sister

Enjoy the look back over the year and come join us again in 2017.


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