

Stuff in the ‘seniors’ Category

Thesis Work with Dancers

— 04/16/2018 by Monika Wertman —

Thesis Work with Dancers


As I am continuing to pursue my Masters degree in photography, I have entered the thesis zone.


I have been working with 4 young and talented young dancers for the last few months and as I gather more and more images that will eventually become a book about the life of dancers, exploring what it takes to be committed to this wonderful and challenging art form, I get to play with one of my favorite things of all time.  Dance.

prepping    resting

These were captured while I worked with the help of my wonderful parents to get the lights situated correctly behind the scrim.

In this latest shoot with 3 of my 4 dancers at the Maryland Theatre, we played with silhouettes (my 4th dancer had just had a change in schedule and could not join us that day, but luckily she is back to having that week day open again).


We all had fun. i always give these athletes and artists a chance to be creative with me and try new things, and give me their ideas.

on pointe      on pointe

It makes for a more interactive and fun shoot and the images always show that.

Then there are a few shots of jumps, and poses.


We also played with shadows which required me to climb into the rafters along the side of the stage.

And lastly and shot from above for the shadow, but creating a dilemma for me as I am not sure if I like the black and white version better or the soft color.


Want to schedule Senior Photos?

— 10/23/2015 by Monika Wertman —

Though summer is over and most seniors have had their sessions, some of you may not have had them done yet or are already thinking about them as a junior. No matter who you choose, what size session you commit to, whether you are a boy or a girl, you will want to showcase your interests, whether they are sports related, you have a favorite pet, or are into cars or other big toys. Are you into winter sports and would like to get action shots in the snow? Here at Wertman Photography we will be happy to meet you at your favorite location and incorporate that interest into your session.

senior picture outdoors


Now we all know that you want your senior pictures to look different than last year’s school picture, right? How do you accomplish this, you ask? Here are a few tips on what you should do to insure that you will get some one of a kind images from your high school senior picture session:


  1. Spend a couple of months researching the kind of imagery you would like to see. Look through sports magazines and browse the web for ideas and styles. Do you like the edgy, grungy look? Do you want to look like the latest gold medal winner in one of her endorsement commercials, or do you want to look like the girl or boy next door, clean and pristine in your gear?


  1. Once you have determined what look you want, contact us and show us what you are looking for. We will then plan your session and recommend the appropriate length of time we will need to accomplish the look you are after. If you are a football player, chances are you have access to your school’s field, if you are a swimmer, access to a pool may be more difficult. As a skier or snow boarder, we will need to wait for the weather to be cold enough to work in snow. We need to understand exactly what you would like to accomplish in order to give you the session of your dreams.wertman photography seniors 2016-6


  1. Understand that special requests require prior planning and that you are asking your photographer for individualized services. She will invest time in your session and you and your family will invest money in return. This tradeoff will ensure a fantastic session for you and great images for your family and you to share and display.                 wertman photography seniors 2016-1


  1. Ask about cost only after you have determined whether are the right fit for you. It is important to have report with your photographer to get what you want, when you have fun, the images show it. But do ask, you will want to know how much your family will need to invest in the service and what you will receive in return. Ask about products that are offered and be aware that a boutique studio and a boutique service such as you are looking for and we offer, will offer some great print collections for you to choose from.wertman photography seniors 2016-5


  1. Finally, after you book your session and have paid the retainer fee, enter the date in your calendar and arrive 5-10 minutes early at the predetermined meeting point. Your photographer will be there waiting for you and when you are on time all will go smoothly and you will have a wonderful experience which will in turn result in great photos to choose from.wertman photography seniors 2016-2


We have worked with some great seniors this year and some great athletes, and are looking forward to working with you. Please feel free to browse our senior and sports gallery for additional images and call us to schedule your session.

wertman photography seniors 2016-4

Wertman Photography Launches New Website & Blog

— 04/01/2015 by Monika Wertman —


It is here!   We are so excited to share our new website with you. Wertman Photography has been in business for over 5 years and many exciting things are happening in 2015.

We are growing in many ways including our space at the studio, which doubled in February of this year. We now have three distinct shooting spaces available and a private dressing room to make glamor and boudoir sessions even more fun and private than they were before.

We learned that we would be able to expand our physical space at the end of the summer of 2014 and decided that other changes were also necessary. Our website needed some serious TLC and after seeing work our web designer had done for other photographers, we decided that Visual Lure would be a great fit for us. Justen designed a site that is not only gorgeous but really took our vision and our love for art deco to the next level. If you have not done so yet, please browse the entire site and enjoy not only the richness of the design and the ease of the functionality, but also our portfolios to understand who we are as a photographic studio.

When we opened our doors in 2009 we knew that we would give our clients a great experience during any session and that we would produce imagery that our clients would be proud to hang on their walls. Today, five and a half years into the photography business, we continue to provide you, our clients with a great experience and great images, and we offer products you may have never thought about. We continue to innovate and add more products and specialized services to our studio. You are treated with special care and every session you book with us is tailored to your needs.

This year we have revamped our High School Senior sessions to include up to three locations and clothing changes and hair and make-up for the girls. The offered collections can accommodate any budget and print collections include many exciting products.

Our Glamor and Boudoir sessions are also redesigned to include some great products when purchased as a collection and can also be booked as stand alones you can add to, including make-up and hair.

We love weddings and engagements, as you can see in our wedding portfolio and offer all-inclusive collections with plenty of time and great options built right in.

As our new site highlights, here at Wertman Photography we love timeless design and elegance with a modern twist our clients desire. Please read more on the about us page where you can find some client review and testimonials.

We want to thank Justen at Visual Lure for creating a great new website for us and hope that all of you enjoy it as much as we do.