

Stuff in the ‘senior pictures’ Category

Senior Sports and Senior Pictures Tips

— 04/02/2015 by Monika Wertman —

With spring and summer just around the corner, senior pictures are not far behind. No matter who you choose, what size session you commit to, whether you are a boy or a girl, if you play a sport you will want to showcase your sport.

Now we all know that you do not want another picture in your gear that looks like last year’s school picture, right? How do you avoid it, you ask? Here are a few tips on what you should do to insure that you will get some one of a kind images from your high school senior picture session:

  1. Spend a couple of months researching the kind of imagery you would like to see. Look through sports magazines and browse the web for ideas and styles. Do you like the edgy, grungy look? Do you want to look like the latest gold medal winner in one of her endorsement commercials, Or do you want to look like the girl or boy next door, clean and pristine in your gear?
  2. Once you have determined what look you want, search your local photographers and see if they have something similar in their portfolios.
  3. If you find someone whose style is close, but not quite what you envision, call and talk to them, find out if they are willing to bend their style a bit or if they can recommend someone who fits your vision better.
  4. Once you have found the photographer who seems to have the style you are looking for, set up a consultation to talk about how they work and determine if you click with that photographer. Most photographers will be willing to sit down with you and plan your session, if they are not, look for one who does.
  5. When you meet your chosen photographer for the first time during the consultation, bring your sample images with you, show them and ask if something like it can be done. If you are a football player, chances are you have access to your school’s field, if you are a swimmer, access to a pool may be more difficult. Your photographer needs to understand exactly what you would like to accomplish in order to give you a correct answer.
  6. Understand that special requests require prior planning and that you are asking your photographer for individualized services. She will invest time in your session and you and your family will invest money in return. This tradeoff will ensure a fantastic session for you and great images for your family and you to share and display.
  7. Ask about cost only after you have determined whether the photographer you are talking to is the right fit for you. But do ask, you will want to know how much your family will need to invest in the service and what you will receive in return. Ask about products that are offered and be aware that a boutique studio and a boutique service such as you are looking for will offer some great print collections for you to choose from.
  8. Finally, after you book your session and have paid the retainer fee, enter the date in your calendar and arrive 5-10 minutes early at the predetermined meeting point. Your photographer will be there waiting for you and when you are on time all will go smoothly and you will have wonderful experience which will in turn result in great photos to choose form.

Here are a couple of our favorite sports related senior photography portraits. Please visit our portfolio to view more.

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