

Fall Family Photos

— 11/05/2015 by Monika Wertman —

I have had the pleasure of working with this lovely family twice within the last year. We captured them last fall as they were awaiting the arrival of their second child, and this fall we created photos of the newly expanded family.


Last fall we went to a park in Boonsboro, this fall we stayed a bit closer to home and captured new family photos at Pangborn Park in Hagerstown. We lucked out the day of the session, as it was sunny and warm and not a single breeze interfered with getting great images.

family pictures


Pangborn Park is a smaller park that is often overlooked partly because it is located at the north end of town. It is a charming little park with a lovely new gazebo, a fountain, which is on during the warmer months, a large grassy area and a nice little lake.


When we met, the leaves had just started turning and were still fully stuck to the trees. This created a nice contrast between the green of the grass and the changing colors in the background.

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The kids hammed it up for most of the pictures and I was able to get some precious moments between the two sisters.

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Here at Wertman Photography it is all about making the little ones feel at ease, we talk to them throughout the session, take our time and click when the going is good.


Call us today to schedule your fall session, there is still some time to get into the studio and capture moments for Christmas cards and gifts. As long as the weather holds up we will shoot outdoors as well, if you desire and even into winter, we will brave snow if that is the look you are after.


We will be in the square November 14 for 2nd Saturdays, from 3-7pm with a photo booth setup that will feature a Santa Experience. Come see us for a chance to try us out at a special low rate for just that day. Stay tuned to our facebook page for details over the next few days.