

Thesis Work with Dancers

— 04/16/2018 by Monika Wertman —

Thesis Work with Dancers


As I am continuing to pursue my Masters degree in photography, I have entered the thesis zone.


I have been working with 4 young and talented young dancers for the last few months and as I gather more and more images that will eventually become a book about the life of dancers, exploring what it takes to be committed to this wonderful and challenging art form, I get to play with one of my favorite things of all time.  Dance.

prepping    resting

These were captured while I worked with the help of my wonderful parents to get the lights situated correctly behind the scrim.

In this latest shoot with 3 of my 4 dancers at the Maryland Theatre, we played with silhouettes (my 4th dancer had just had a change in schedule and could not join us that day, but luckily she is back to having that week day open again).


We all had fun. i always give these athletes and artists a chance to be creative with me and try new things, and give me their ideas.

on pointe      on pointe

It makes for a more interactive and fun shoot and the images always show that.

Then there are a few shots of jumps, and poses.


We also played with shadows which required me to climb into the rafters along the side of the stage.

And lastly and shot from above for the shadow, but creating a dilemma for me as I am not sure if I like the black and white version better or the soft color.